Friday, April 25, 2008

Dua, Two, Twins !!!!!

Ayu called me from Ampang Putri (she was there for her first pre-natal checked up, for our 4th one, so I did not really bother to join her to see her gynae).

"You not gonna believe this dear" I sensed her happy voice on the other line just after seeing the doctor (my heart was racing and almost reached the red mark), but I just kept silent but so many thing was playing in my mind.

She add.. " Emmm.... we have a twins!!!!!!", I was relieved.... it was the greatest moment in my life!!!

Yes... syukur Alhamdulillah, we hope everything goes well. InsyAllah.


Anonymous said...

Ko ni jenis yang berpantang mancing kalau bini mengandung ke?

Azlan said...

Em... bini tak pernah bising... so aku tak pernah tanya la ...

Anonymous said...

Tahniah... pandai kau buat 'kembar'


Azlan said...

buat pandai... buat kembar tu Allah punya kuasa.

Shieryns said...

Nice blog Lan! Good writing skills and u have the talent for photography. Keep up the good work and happy blogging. Nanti add lah link kebun aku tu....

Anonymous said...

Congratuuuuuuuulations! o.O

Azlan said...

Shieryns, errr tq, email me your blog addess pls.

Irene, many thks.

Anonymous said...

Pandai ko buat kembar. Ko tertekan ke nak kejar fikri anak 6????