The twins have pretty much changed our family life. It seems that our existing house can no more accommodate the size of our family. No choice, hafta go get a bigger house!!
Last weekend, we had a family gotong royong to clear the compound (full of bushes even trees as the house was never been occupied ever since it was bought by the last owner - almost 6 years) . Normally on Sundays, the kids would wake up at 10 am. Suprisingly, on that particular Sunday, they woke up early and had helped us a lot.


Last weekend, we had a family gotong royong to clear the compound (full of bushes even trees as the house was never been occupied ever since it was bought by the last owner - almost 6 years) . Normally on Sundays, the kids would wake up at 10 am. Suprisingly, on that particular Sunday, they woke up early and had helped us a lot.

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