Woke up as early as 6 am on Saturday the 22nd, jumped into the car ("we have no time for shower, kids..") straight away headed to Kuala Perlis to catch our ferry. Convoyed with 3 rides, of course we made pit stops for breakfast at Rawang and lunch at Gurun. We eventually stepped into our ferry at 4 pm. Checked into a luxurious bungalow with 5 bedrooms at Mutiara Burau Bay, had a quick rest before dinner.

8 am, the next day, again we hopped into our shuttle heading to Kuah for a ferry to Pulau Payar. Pulau Payar is a marine park, no body there, no electricity, no fresh water (in case you don't know....). Spent almost a whole day there - snorkelled, lunch (packed lunch, just enough to top up my energy). The water is crystal clear, you can even see from on top of the jetty a 2-metre long Barracuda (local people call him "Mustapa") and a 50-kilo Garoupa (oh god, the head is as big as our heads...even bigger!) and millions of coral fishes (Nemo's family).

Next day 9 am, we headed to Kilim Geopark. It is a beautiful mangrove - we took a 15-foot boat ride to explore this area. I enjoyed the monkeys to eagle feeding, stone hills, cave and "sangkar ikan" exploration etc..... Had seafood lunch at Restoran Mat Sabun .... umphhhhhhhh... lovely. Reminded me of my "Streamer" friends, Capt, Jag and Dee - as they are seafood lovers. They catched live fish, prawn, squid, crab from the "sangkar" and cooked for us ... imagine that !!!!!!!! My tummy nearly exploded....

2.30 pm, we proceeded to "Galleri Perdana", just to buy time for a "Mahsuri" theater at "Makam Mahsuri" at 4 pm.

At nite, after having a "kampung" gourmet, we "lepak" at the beach near to the resort - had a chat over some "kuaci" (as usual....)

Nothing much on the final day. Checked out at 9 am, spent time shopping at Kuah while waiting for the ferry to Kuala Perlis at 4 pm. Click HERE for more pics.
Waaaa..dah main blog pulak Otai sorang nih..cayo cayo...Bila nak angkat fisheye?? Hihi..
Errr... suka-suka je ....
salam bro streaming..
waa very nice aaaa. I'm sure ur kids enjoyed it too. I last pegi masa anak sorg. skrg dah 4, logistics mesti susah sket le sbb bebudak kecik2 tu. beautiful pics btw.
memang semestinyer me and my family enjoyed that moment very much...
Bro'.. Waah, fotonya makin mantep! I too many years back stayed ay Burau but sayangnya belum main SLR lagi masa tu. Lots of wasted opportunities... Ha. like jari said, kapan main wide-angle? I'm thinking of the Tokina 12-24mmm. Tengoklaa camner.
Sorry I couldn't get contact you masa December dulu.. Balik terlalu kejap sangat sebab nak cover omputih2 bernatalan.
Thanks for the compliments bro're: my sunset pictures. I noticed my D40 nih aku dengar metering nya agak suka meng-overexpose. So nasib ada tombol.. so I normally shoot sceneries or landscapes at minimum -0.7 EV. Kengkadang macam sunset -1.3, 1.5 pun ada. Baru karer terkeluaq sebab color saturation mantep. I heard D80, D200 and above x yah nak tweak banyak2...
Oso, enjoyed you UK reunion story. Eh lain kali kalau ke TTDI kalau aku ada drop-bye maa.. Alah, Mutiara D'Sara tu seberang aje... Salaam.
MS, main2 je ...... Wide angle tu nanti la, ongkos nyer tak de... Looking forward to have TT with you soon.
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